Company Information

        IR (Investor Relations)

        Full Name of Company:Ningbo Tech-bank Co., Ltd.
        Registered Address:1805-1807 Tower A, Yangguang International Building
        Shortened Form of CompanyTech-bank
        Legal RepresentativeZhang Banghui
        Secretary of the BoardZhang Yu
        Industry Classification:Farm and Sideline Food Processing Industry
        Postal Code:200233
        Company Tel021-54484578
        Company Fax:021-54484520
        Time for being ListedApril 3, 2007
        Time for ListingMarch 19,2007
        Issuance Amount(million)1,850
        Issuance Price(¥)10.25
        Issuance PE Ratio(倍):29.97
        Issuing Way:Inquiry issued offline, pricing issued on the net.
        Principal UnderwriterPing An Securities LLC 
        Listing Recommended:
        Sponsor InstitutionHuachuang Securities LLC